Adventures around the world

Review: 僕ビール、君ビール。(Beer for You & Me)

I’ve had exams this week.  Yes, one week after starting my Japanese studies, I have tests to do.  As such, I’ve been burning the midnight oil getting as much up to speed as possible.  However there is only so much you can do before the old brain decides to check out, and I reached that point at around 10pm this evening.

Instead of doing something useful (like go to sleep), I decided to try one of the beers I’ve been keeping in the fridge for a (proverbial) rainy day.  Today I bring you… 僕ビール、君ビール。(Beer for You & Me) from ヤッホーブルーイング (Yaho Brewing).

Upon a bit of investigation of their website, it seems this particular beer is a joint development with the Lawson convenience store chain.  I didn’t know that when I bought it, instead I thought the frog on the front looked cute and I figured that anything with a cute frog on it can’t be that bad.


Japanese study and beer. The perfect companions?

Those who know me personally will know I generally enjoy fairly exotic beers, the more exotic the better.  So I wasn’t sure what I’d get with a 5% alcohol session beer with a enticingly cute frog on it.  Turns out, I’d get a thoroughly enjoyable experience. On drinking it immediately reminded me of an IPA due to the punchy flavour, but with a smoother than average finish. The full flavour is something that I personally find very tasty and quite moreish. Thankfully I have just the one available, as I do have exams tomorrow…

I’d highly recommend this one to anyone.  I think it would go well in most circumstances: with a meal, watching TV or recovering from a insane study session.

I’ll be keeping an eye out for more from this brewery.

Close up and personal with the frog


Japanese Language School / 日本語学校


Running / 走っています

1 Comment

  1. Julie Layton

    Such a cute froggy!

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